
is your attic well-ventilated?

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is your attic well-ventilated?

The ventilation in your attic has a direct impact on how cool and warm you can keep your home. If you don't have a well-ventilated attic, the attic temperatures will cause the temperatures inside your home to increase during the summer and cause moisture problems in the winter. How much ventilation does an attic really need? Your local HVAC technician can help you inspect and determine if your attic is adequately ventilated. My blog will show you the basics about attic ventilation to give you a good idea of what needs to happen to keep your home comfortable and protected from moisture.

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How Can I Tell If My AC Thermostat Is Broken? 3 Signs To Look Out For

Having a working AC is a necessity in almost every part of the country. More so, when your air conditioning system is working, you do not have to worry about the heat. That said, a single component failure can leave you in great discomfort as your AC will not work as needed. In this case, the thermostat is arguably one of the most crucial elements of the AC because it helps determines how cool your space will be. Still, this component can suffer damage even with the best maintenance. It is also one of the parts whose malfunction you cannot overlook. Here are some of the common indicators that your thermostat is broken. 

The Temperature Readings in the Home Don't Agree

Some people zone their air conditioning systems when they want different temperatures in various rooms. However, if you have not zoned your home and you keep getting different temperature readings, the chances are that you have a problem with the thermostat. In this case, an AC technician can recalibrate it and rectify the problem. Sometimes, it could be that your device is located too close to a heat source, which forces it to pick up the wrong temperatures. 

The AC Doesn't Turn On

Your air conditioning system has the thermostat as the central control point. Hence, the entire system will fail if the control point stops working. That said, most assume that other parts of the system are causing unit failure. Hence, you might try to assess your unit for non-existent defects and cause further problems. So instead of overthinking and trying to fix the other parts of your unit, start the assessment with the thermostat. In this case, check whether it is properly functional and if not, have a technician repair or replace it. Luckily, replacing a thermostat is cheaper than other AC parts.

The Unit Does Not Stop Running

Your AC unit cools down your home to the required temperature. Consequently, the thermostat is the part that determines the ideal condition by alerting your unit to shut down once it achieves the set temperature. Therefore, when this device malfunctions, your system keeps running constantly. So, check to see if your thermostat is registering temperatures as required and communicating this with the thermostat.

The key is speaking to an AC repair expert if you suspect an issue with the AC thermostat. They can resolve the problem for you and restore the entire system's functionality. More so, timely repairs will improve comfort and ensure system longevity. For more information on AC repair, contact a company near you.