
is your attic well-ventilated?

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is your attic well-ventilated?

The ventilation in your attic has a direct impact on how cool and warm you can keep your home. If you don't have a well-ventilated attic, the attic temperatures will cause the temperatures inside your home to increase during the summer and cause moisture problems in the winter. How much ventilation does an attic really need? Your local HVAC technician can help you inspect and determine if your attic is adequately ventilated. My blog will show you the basics about attic ventilation to give you a good idea of what needs to happen to keep your home comfortable and protected from moisture.

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Hydro-Air Heating Installation With Practical And Efficient Features For Your Home

If you are ready to have a heating installation done, there are a lot of options with a hydro-air system. Since these systems use a boiler like radiant heating, they are also versatile solutions for your household heating design. There are many options to make your hydro-air heating system more efficient. The following hydro-air heating features are some of the options you can add to your new system:

Efficient Boiler Options for Hydro-Air Heating

The boiler is the most important element of a hydro-air heating system. Thus, you want to make sure you choose the most efficient solution for the design of your system. Options for hydro-air boilers that can be installed in your home include:

  • Water heater boilers for smaller systems
  • Biomass boilers for renewable energy
  • Gas boilers for a more conventional design
  • Oil boilers for areas where gas is impractical

The boiler can be sized to plan for your hot water needs and future expansions to your heating system. You will want to talk to your heating installer about the type and size of boiler that needs to be installed for your system.

Options for Ductwork with Hydro-Air Heating

The ductwork can also be different than a conventional forced-air heating system. Today, there are also options for compact ducts, which can be a great solution for renovations. The compact ducts can also be ideal for areas where conventional HVAC vents are too big. There are also options for rigid ducts with durable insulation to reduce energy loss.

Adding In-Floor Heating to Areas Like Bathrooms

Areas like bathrooms also need to have an efficient heating solution. The problem is conventional ductwork can be a problem in these areas. One of the advantages of a hydro-air system is that these areas can have radiant in-floor heating. This can improve your heating and provide comfortable and efficient heating solutions in the design of your bathroom.

Adding Other Heating to Your Home

There may be other heating solutions that you want to add to your home. A hydro-air heating system can be used to add heating to a garage, workshop, or other areas of your home. These solutions can use a separate heat exchanger that is installed with a blower. This will help keep these spaces warm during the winter months when you need heating in these areas.

If you want a heating system that can give your forced-air where you want it and in-floor heating where you need it, hydro-air heating is ideal. Contact a local heating installation service like IMS Heating & Air Inc and talk with them about these features for the system you have installed in your home.