Save Money On Cooling Costs By Knowing When To Call For Air Conditioning Repair Services
If you are running an air conditioner that hasn't been serviced in some time, you may be spending more money on cooling costs than you need to. When a system doesn't have enough refrigerant, or the filter hasn't been changed and is causing your air conditioner to strain, your system is going to have to work hard to keep your home cool. Your system may be turning on and off quickly without cooling off your home, or shutting down completely because it is overheated. Pay attention to the signs your system isn't working properly and call for help when you need it. A well-maintained air conditioning system is going to run efficiently and require emergency repairs less often.
You Find Ice On Your Evaporator Coils
There could be ice build up on your evaporator coils because you are low on refrigerant or because moisture got into your system for some reason. You can start by turning off your air conditioner and allowing the ice to melt completely. Turn back on your air conditioner and see if the problem persists. If ice builds up again, call for air conditioning repair services.
When Your System Keeps Turning On and Off
Short cycling occurs when your air conditioner turns on, only to turn off again without cooling off your home. This can be caused because of the wrong setting on your thermostat, low refrigerant, a clogged air filter, or problems with the electrical system of your air conditioner. Change your air filter and see if this solves your problem. If your system continues to turn on and off frequently, you will need help to investigate the issue further.
When Your Air Conditioner Gets Maintenance
You should have your air conditioning serviced before you need to turn it on every day to keep you cool. When you get your system serviced, all moving parts will be lubricated, your system cleaned, and the air filter changed. Maintenance is a vital part of having an efficient air conditioning system that works well over time. If you forget to have your system serviced before the heat of the summer, get it done as soon as you remember.
You can save money on cooling costs when your air conditioner is properly serviced. The right amount of refrigerant and clean air filters help your system run efficiently. Reduce your energy costs by getting your system maintained right before it needs to be used every day.